Next Steps...


Any constitution must be accepted and validated by the people it will govern. This is accomplished by process called a ratification vote.  The next major step in this process to rebuild our nation is the ratification of our Constitution by a majority vote of individuals who are eligible to be citizens, have attained the age of eighteen (18), and cast ballot in the ratification election. Planning for the ratification vote is currently underway. Information on the timing and method of voting will be available soon. Please check back here at for updates.

Outreach and Education

A group of ‘Aha participants volunteered to work together to plan and initiate outreach and education efforts with their ʻohana, friends and community. Various groups, organizations, and clubs in our community are also hosting presentations and discussions on our Constitution and other parts of this nation building process.. We encourage you to read through the Constitution and look through the answers to the FAQs for more insight into this initiative. Check back here at for continued updates. If you would like to kōkua mai with the outreach efforts, provide us with your contact information here.